How do I show love?

Julyanne Dzarma
2 min readAug 20, 2021

There isn’t one rule to how love should be expressed, it can be shown in so many ways, be it to a spouse, family friends or just people around us. This selfless emotion can be expressed in different ways. Below are some ways to show love.

  • Verbalizing your love(words): you can’t love someone and not be encouraging or saying a compliment from time to time, saying “I love you” to someone or just writing simple affectionate notes is a major way of expressing your love.
  • Being a great listener: when in love, you yearn to know and understand the person and in order to do so, you have to talk less and listen more.
  • Being there for the ones you love(act of service): be it in sorrow or happiness, you should be able to ‘come through’ for your loved ones. Being helpful or just being kind.
  • Express by touching: the show of physical affection is one way to show love, it can be a hug, a kiss(peck) or even a rub on the back.
  • Gifting: you do not have to go all out when gifting a loved one, the little things(gifts) matter and are never forgotten. It can be a flower, a song or even a cute little note, it only shows you have the person at heart always. You do not have to break the bank to gift a loved one.
  • Prayer: above all, I am a strong believer of praying for our loved ones. You can’t say you love someone and not want to pray for them. Be it to God, the universe, or whatever it is that you believe in.

Understanding the people you love and knowing exactly when or how to express any form of love for them is really important and it goes a long in building a strong and healthy relationship.

